Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Yesterday, I felt so much grief and sorrow,

Today, I await upon a sunny day for the 'morrow.

Bittersweet smiles when I think of the past,

Us working together again, would never last.

When I think of you there will be no more tears shed,

Dry shall my heart no more be bled.

No more shall you visit my dreams in the night,

Now, within my heart, new dreams take flight.

I still think of you everyday and wish you well on your path,

You are at a cross-roads and dealing with the aftermath.

Our ties are no longer bound,

Just remember, what has been done, always come back around!

The pain you caused me was your decision alone,

Now, it is over, and I am gone.

Try as I may, I can never go back,
Is it pride?

Or something else which I lack?

Now that the curtain is about to fall,
I take my bow,

I played my part and gave it my all.

Just remember this when you think of me:

What I am is what you will never be.

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